Friday 22 November 2013

london in november.

A group of us went on a trip to London in late November to snoop around the Christmas displays, research for our dissertation and visit various Topshop branches numerous times (obviously). Cue us all acting like crazy tourists, photographing anything of interest and pretending to be cultured.
 Compulsory underground photo.

What trip to London would be complete without a visit to Selfridges? They had their Christmas section open, complete with chair made of teddy bears and 'Elfridges' sign, far too cute.
 Selfridges window display.

Selfridges home section.

 Like a moth to a flame. 

We visited Somerset House and went to the Isabella Blow exhibition which was really enlightening and enjoyable. She was a bit of an enigma so it was really interesting to get an insight into her life. It started off with her early life and some videos of her, including one where she was offering her friend her shoes saying, "Do you like them? I hate them, they're Dior." obviously. As she was renown for finding young talent, including Alexander McQueen, Philip Treacy and Hussein Chalayan the exhibition included a lot of their early work, which was great to look at. There was also a lot of little personal items and facts about Blow, such as she used to wear odd shoes, would sign letters with a lipstick kiss and almost always wrote in pink ink which just makes her seem even more fabulous than before. The exhibition finished with a video of the fashion show that McQueen and Treacy staged after her death which was so beautiful. I would recommend it to anyone who can go as it really was worth the entry fee.

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